1. Legalism.
Legalism is the need to meet a certain standard to be accepted. The pressure of having a standard to live by and the reality of human imperfection often leads to disappointment. This is important to address because much of our society is merit-based (legalistic), so the Christian teaching of grace-based living is counter-cultural. Practicing a faith that preaches grace and acceptance in Christ is difficult when we don’t address trying to live by our own standards.
2. Sex.
Sex has been a taboo topic to talk about in the church. The biblical view of anything, especially its teaching on sex, is a sensitive topic to discuss in our current society. An understanding of a healthy sexuality has left many Christians confused. Sexual identity, behaviors, traumas, attraction, arousal, and addiction are helpful issues to address and process.
3. Marriage.
Marriages on the brink of divorce due to irreconcilable differences, abuse, neglect, abandonment, and infidelity lead couples to make desperate attempts to savage their relationship.
4. Parenting.
The generational gap between parents and children is widening from cultural and technological advances. Parents need skills, wisdom, mentoring, and support to raise children biblically.
5. Burnout.
When you pour everything out for your family, church, ministries, work, and communities, you do not have anything else left in the tank. We are so busy we do not have time to recharge and reflect.
6. Idolatry.
Functional idols/saviors/gods, are the things that motivate us, that we are striving for, that we base our identity in, and that we believe will satisfy us. However, once we think we’ve achieved what we thought would bring us fulfillment, it doesn’t. While functional idols may provide momentary satisfaction, it leaves us empty. Common idols are: Money, career, comfort, pleasure, people, people pleasing, morality, and religion.
7. Disqualification for Gospel ministry.
Immoral acts such as: Lying, adultery, stealing money, false teaching, not teaching the gospel disqualify leaders from ministry. When a Christian leader is caught in immorality: They are removed from leadership, disciplined, forgiven, make reparations, and engage with a process of healing and restoration to address the dynamics that led them to their fall.
8. Apostasy.
When a Christian experiences realities that conflict with their belief system, such as the problem of evil, it often triggers a faith crisis. Sometimes, people come to the conclusion that they no longer believe in Jesus. This may lead to abandoning and renouncing their faith.
9. Death.
Death gives us a reality check like no other experience in the human life. When we experience death, it brings into question the life we are living, our existence, why am I here, and where we go when we die and how we get there.
10. Purpose.
“No purpose. No drive. No passion. No change. Stuck. I feel like I’m just spinning my wheels. Apathy. Bitterness. Cynicism. Loneliness. Empty. Hollow. Shallow. Meaninglessness. I feel like I’m living the same monotony day after day.” These are common descriptions of people who want to take a look at their life and address how they are living.