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Addressing Anxiety


Updated: Sep 2, 2022

Symptoms of Anxiety

1) Persistent and excessive worrying about a number of situations for at least six months.

2) Overthinking plans, problems, solutions, and all possible outcomes of situations.

3) Perceiving situations as threatening when they aren't.

4) Distressed by uncertainty.

5) Indecisive and fear of making wrong decisions.

6) Unable to relax. Restlessness. Always feeling on edge.

7) Irritable.

8) Fatigue, tire easily.

9) Difficulty concentrating.

10) Muscle aches and soreness.

11) Difficulty sleeping.

Helpful steps to take to address symptoms of Anxiety

1) Exercise. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity each day.

2) Sleep hygiene. Set a regular bed time.

3) Schedule worry time. Schedule 30 minutes each day to face your fears, worries, anxieties. Write down what you are afraid of, what you are anxious about. Identity steps you can take to overcome those fears and anxieties.

4) Take deep breaths. Start with 5 minutes of deep breathing each day.

5) Reframe negative thoughts. Instead of thinking, "I am going to fail", you can think, "I'll do my best, Let's go for it."

6) Stretch. Follow relaxing stretching routines on youtube.

7) Accept uncertainties in life. Practice accepting things you cannot control such as: the weather and other people.

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